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June 15, 2023

5 Ways to Boost Your Wallbox at Home in Germany

5 Ways to Boost Your Wallbox at Home in Germany


Do you know what a Wallbox is and why it's crucial to have one at home? Essentially, a wallbox is an EV charger that provides faster and more efficient charging than a standard one and is installed at home. Having a Wallbox can save you time and money, which is especially important for those who rely on their EV for everyday use.

Given the growing popularity of EVs in Germany, installing a Wallbox at home is a smart and useful investment. With the increasing number of EV owners, more and more questions arise on how to charge your car and what is actually better: a public charging station or a private one. In one of the last articles, we had already discussed all of the benefits of a home charging station. Right now let’s focus on making the best out of your wallbox.

Here are the 5 steps to optimize your Wallbox at home and enhance your charging experience:

  1. Use a smart Wallbox.
  2. Invest in solar panels.
  3. Upgrade to a three-phase connection.
  4. Use a load management system.
  5. Consider a battery storage system.

1. Use a Smart Wallbox

A smart Wallbox is equipped with advanced software and communication technology, allowing it to communicate with your EV and the grid. This communication enables optimizing charging times and reducing electricity costs.

  • Cost safety;

According to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), using a smart Wallbox can result in up to 15% savings on your electricity bill compared to a standard Wallbox. Throughout the year this can add up to hundreds of euros in savings.

  • Convenience and control;

By integrating a smart Wallbox into a home automation system, you can remotely control the charging process, set charging schedules, and monitor the charging status from your smartphone or tablet. Investing in a smart Wallbox not only enhances your charging experience but also contributes to a sustainable future.

Hesitating which brand of a smart wallbox to choose? In Germany, one of the most popular brands are Alfen, Webasto, and KEBA, however, you will need to look for your own requirements on brand reputation, features, and price compared to long-term savings.

2. Invest in Solar Panels

The next tip is to invest in solar panels, which allow you to generate your own electricity and use it to charge your EV, offering both financial and environmental benefits.A typical home in Germany can generate up to 4,000 kWh of electricity per year with a solar panel system. This amount is sufficient to power an EV for up to 16,000 kilometers annually.

Moreover, the investment in solar panels:

  • Reduce your reliance on the power grid;
  • Decrease carbon footprint;
  • Save electricity costs by selling excess power back to the grid.

The German government provides incentives such as a feed-in tariff and tax credits for homeowners who install solar panels, such as the SolarPLUS program for Berlin residents — which can help offset the upfront costs. However, consultation with a professional is required to determine the optimal size of the solar panel system based on your energy usage and the size of your EV battery.

Check these providers with a user-friendly interface that can help you to determine online which kind of solar system is suitable for your home and which can be installed in your area: AroundHome and Photovoltaik.
Installation process of solar panels

3. Upgrade to a Three-Phase Connection

A three-phase connection provides more power than a single-phase connection, resulting in faster charging speeds.According to the cost calculator provided by the German Energy Storage Association (BVES), upgrading to a three-phase connection can range from 2,000 to 5,000 euros, depending on the complexity of the installation. Although there is an upfront cost involved, the long-term savings from faster charging times can add up to thousands of euros over the lifetime of your EV.Keep in mind that not all homes are eligible for a three-phase connection. To determine if your home is eligible and to understand the cost and process of upgrading, it's recommended to consult with your local utility provider.

4. Use a Load Management System

A load management system works by monitoring your electricity usage and adjusting the charging of your EV accordingly, based on the available capacity.BVES revealed that using a load management system can result in up to 10% savings on your electricity bill compared to a standard Wallbox. Additionally, this system helps alleviate the strain on the grid during peak usage times, contributing to the electrical infrastructure's stability.In Germany, there are several popular load management systems available such as the eCarUp system and the Smartfox system. These systems provide intelligent charging solutions that prioritize efficient energy utilization and ensure optimal charging performance for your EV.With a load management system, you can achieve greater energy efficiency, reduce costs, and contribute to the stability of the overall electrical grid.

5. Consider a Battery Storage System

To further enhance your Wallbox and maximize self-sufficiency, consider integrating a battery storage system into your home energy setup. A battery storage system allows you to store excess energy generated by your solar panels or obtained from the grid and utilize it to charge your EV when needed.A typical home equipped with a solar panel system and a battery storage system can achieve up to 80% self-sufficiency for electricity usage. In Germany, there are renowned battery storage systems available, such as the Tesla Powerwall and the sonnenBatterie. These systems offer efficient energy storage, allowing you to maximize your renewable energy sources and optimize your EV charging process.


No matter whether you already have a home charging system or just planning on installing one, think about how to benefit from it. Optimizing your Wallbox at home in Germany is crucial for efficient and cost-effective EV charging, to benefit from the following advantages:

  • Optimizing your charging times
  • Reducing your electricity costs
  • Providing more control and convenience through home automation
  • Decreasing your carbon footprint
  • Offering faster charging speeds with a three-phase connection
  • Saving on your electricity bill through load management
  • Increasing your self-sufficiency with a battery storage system

Stay up to date and regularly check the updates on policies and incentives with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the German Energy Storage Association (BVES), and the German Solar Industry Association (BSW).

It is important to remember that the better you treat your EV battery, the easier it will be to sell your electric car in the future as it will keep its value! Just take good care of your EV, Cardino will take care of the selling process.


1. What are the benefits of using a smart Wallbox for EV charging at home in Germany?

A smart Wallbox comes with advanced software and communication technology that allows it to communicate with your EV and the power grid. This facilitates optimized charging times and lower electricity costs. It can also be integrated into a home automation system for remote control of the charging process, charging schedules, and status monitoring.

2. How can solar panels enhance my home EV charging experience?

Investing in solar panels enables you to generate your own electricity for charging your EV. This results in cost savings and reduces your carbon footprint.

3. How expensive it is to get a home solar system with a 5 kWp?

It will cost you approximately 7,500 euros varying on different factors such as size and complexity. Considering the government incentives and long-term savings, investing in solar panels is a viable option for boosting your Wallbox efficiency.

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