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October 17, 2023

How to purchase an EV for cheaper: 6 techniques

How to purchase an EV for cheaper: 6 techniques

Finding affordable ways to buy electric vehicles (EVs) helps more people join the move towards cleaner transportation. This guide will show you different smart and money-saving ways to own an EV without breaking the bank.

1. Pre-order and unlock exclusive EV Discounts

Handling the electric vehicle (EV) market smartly can unlock significant savings, especially when you pre-purchase, alleviating dealerships of inherent reselling risks. Typically, dealers shoulder the financial burden of inventory and depreciation risks, calculating these into the retail price to safeguard their investment. By choosing to buy an EV in advance, you effectively absorb this risk, potentially enabling room to negotiate a more economical price.

This proactive approach can be particularly beneficial in an industry where demand often outstrips supply. The strategy not only paves the way for potential discounts but also ensures that you secure your desired model amidst the growing clamor for sustainable transportation.

It might be worth a call at your trusted dealership! If you don’t know about any car dealerships near you, this website can help!

  • Pre-purchasing an EV can lead to potential savings by taking on the dealership's inventory and depreciation risks.
  • Additional Tip: Research the future resale value and demand of the specific EV model you're considering to ensure a good investment.

2. Leasing Buybacks for Discounts

Securing an affordable Electric Vehicle (EV) can be achieved through exploring leasing buybacks. At the conclusion of leasing contracts, some financial institutions or companies may find themselves encumbered with EVs that they have no intent to retain. These entities, often preferring a quick sale to avoid incremental costs and depreciation, may offer the vehicles at notably reduced prices.

By targeting such opportunities, savvy buyers can procure EVs at a fraction of their original retail value. This not only facilitates an economical acquisition but also circumvents the premium prices often attached to brand-new models, effectively making sustainable transportation more accessible and budget-friendly.

If you are wondering how to find out, where to ask for such deals, and how to find a company that even uses car-leasing: here is a little trick for you. Have a look at the job postings that include driving a company car. We have the right link for you.

  • Leasing buybacks allow buyers to obtain EVs below retail value, as institutions often sell off their end-of-lease vehicles at reduced prices.
  • Additional Tip: To ensure the best value from a lease buyback, familiarize yourself with the car's history, including maintenance and any potential damages, before making a purchase. This can give you added confidence in the vehicle's longevity and performance.
A dense collage of U.S. banknotes including denominations of $1, $5, $10, and $20 bills scattered about.

3. The Global Bargain Wheel

Unlock cost-effective Electric Vehicle (EV) options by considering international purchases. While entailing a substantial commitment in terms of logistics and paperwork, exploring markets outside your country can expose you to favorable price dynamics influenced by regional automotive trends. Certain brands or models may be considerably cheaper due to localized demand and supply factors. Leveraging online classifieds and utilizing browser translation functions, like Chrome's, can aid in navigating foreign markets and price comparisons. However, be mindful that while the initial purchase might be economical, logistics - whether involving professional transportation or a personal pick-up journey - can be both pricy and complex, requiring thorough planning and potentially offsetting some of the initial savings.

  • Spain: Leading the European EV market with prices starting at €25,900.
  • Portugal: Close second with EV offerings at €26,880.
  • Poland: EVs available at €27,848.
  • Japan: An average price of €27,869 for EVs.
  • Norway: Known for its Nordic charm, has EVs priced at €28,537.
  • United States: Expect to spend around €28,712 on an EV.
  • Canada: Average EV price stands at €28,949.
  • France: Offers EVs at €29,400.
  • Republic of Ireland: Concluding the top ten with EV prices at €29,890.
  • International EV purchases can offer cost benefits due to regional price dynamics, but logistics and paperwork complexities may offset savings.
  • Additional Tip: Always check the compatibility of international EVs with your local charging infrastructure and regulations to avoid unforeseen challenges post-purchase.

4. Smart Battery Replacement Strategies

Discover stellar deals in the Electric Vehicle (EV) market by considering the purchase of a unit with a dead battery, followed by a replacement strategy. This approach can unearth substantial discounts, often making the endeavor financially rewarding despite the subsequent battery replacement cost, which can start as low as 5,000 euros. It requires due diligence in assessing the overall condition of the EV and logistical planning for the battery replacement. For example, if you secure a deal that provides a 10,000-euro discount, even with the investment in a new battery, you're still navigating ahead with a net saving. This strategy marries technical know-how with fiscal savviness, granting access to affordable sustainable mobility.

If you are navigating on a tight budget, even your battery can be purchased secondhand. Websites like this one can provide you exactly with the model you need for your EV.

  • Purchasing an EV with a dead battery can lead to significant savings, even after considering battery replacement costs.
  • Additional Tip: Ensure the rest of the EV, apart from the battery, is in good condition to avoid unexpected repair costs later on.

5. Merging Tax Credits with Second Hand

Optimizing financial strategies by intertwining Germany's generous EV tax credits with a second-hand purchase can present a compelling pathway to affordable electric mobility. The German government offers substantial tax incentives aimed at promoting EV ownership, which can be further maximized when applied to an already economical, pre-owned purchase.

For new EVs, subsidies up to €6,750 are available in 2023, with varying amounts based on the net list price of the base model and type of vehicle (battery-electric or fuel cell). However, the funding amounts are set to decrease in 2024 and plug-in hybrids will no longer be eligible. Application for the funds can be made after registration of the vehicle, despite delivery issues, and is facilitated through the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). Specific guidelines apply for new cars, leased vehicles, and used EVs, and detailed conditions, including the vehicle's initial registration date and mileage, affect the eligibility and amount of funding available. More information on this matter you will find here.

This approach not only supports sustainability but also ensures you enjoy electric driving without the hefty price tag. And when navigating through the nuances of securing tax credits and spotting the best second-hand deals, Cardino remains your steadfast ally. Our dedicated expertise ensures you effortlessly merge financial benefits with wise purchasing, driving your EV journey forward, efficiently and economically.

  • Leveraging Germany's EV tax credits with a second-hand purchase can offer significant financial benefits and promote sustainable driving.
  • Additional Tip: Always consult with a financial advisor or tax specialist to understand the intricacies and make the most out of available tax credits.

6. Collaborative EV Ownership

Harnessing the power of collective buying or usage through collaborative car ownership can bring down individual costs substantially. Forming a small community or group to purchase and share the usage of an EV means that the financial burden can be distributed among multiple people. This strategy isn’t just economically prudent, but it also promotes a more sustainable use of resources by reducing the number of vehicles per capita, thereby minimizing congestion and environmental impact.

Ensure to establish clear guidelines and schedules for car usage, maintenance responsibilities, and financial contributions, thereby avoiding potential conflicts. Various platforms, like Snappercar or Getaround offer opportunities for shared ownership and management of vehicles, making the whole process significantly streamlined and secure. Collaborative ownership also enables individuals to access more premium EV models that might be financially out of reach when purchasing alone. This approach allows participants to experience the benefits of electric mobility while also practicing community living and sustainability.

  • Collective car ownership allows individuals to share costs and promote sustainability by reducing vehicles per capita and accessing premium EV models collaboratively.
  • Additional Tip: Regularly review and update shared ownership agreements to accommodate changes in participants' needs or circumstances, ensuring the arrangement remains fair and beneficial for all involved.
An overhead view of a blue car driving on a wet road illuminated by its headlights, reflecting the light on the damp surface.


From the pre-emptive approach of advance purchasing, astute international shopping, and exploring leasing buybacks, to intelligent battery replacement and combining tax credits with second-hand buys, the roadmap to affordable EV ownership is as diverse as it is viable. This journey, while dotted with logistical and technical nuances, promises not only a step towards sustainable mobility but also a venture that is economically savvy. We are already on our green journey, smartly minimizing costs while maximizing value and sustainability in our electric adventures!


How can I access exclusive EV discounts by pre-purchasing?

By choosing to pre-purchase an EV, you help dealers mitigate reselling risks and inventory costs, which may open up room for negotiation on the price. Early purchasing not only could lead to potential discounts but also ensures that you secure the model you desire amidst high demand in the EV market.

How do leasing buybacks work for getting discounted EVs?

When leasing contracts end, some companies or banks might not want to keep the EVs and prefer to sell them quickly to avoid additional costs. This situation can create an opportunity for buyers to acquire EVs at a lower price than their original retail value, making it a savvy strategy for economical acquisition.

What should I be mindful of when considering buying an EV from another country?

While you might find attractive pricing due to regional automotive trends in other countries, consider logistics and paperwork, which can be complex and pricy. Leveraging online tools like classifieds and browser translation can aid in navigating foreign markets, but thorough planning is essential to ensure that logistics costs do not offset the initial savings.

Is buying an EV with a dead battery and replacing it a viable option?

Yes, it can be a viable option if approached wisely. Purchasing an EV with a dead battery might offer significant discounts, and even after investing in a battery replacement, which can start as low as 5,000 euros, you might still enjoy net savings, provided you ensure the overall condition of the EV is sound.

How can I leverage Germany’s EV tax credits with second-hand purchases?

By combining Germany’s substantial EV tax credits with the purchase of a pre-owned EV, you can achieve affordable electric mobility. This involves exploring and utilizing the tax incentives provided by the German government for EV ownership, and applying them to an economical, second-hand purchase, thereby enjoying sustainable driving without the substantial financial burden.

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