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April 20, 2023

EV Charging Etiquette: A Guide to Proper Charging Practices

EV Charging Etiquette: A Guide to Proper Charging Practices


The use of electric vehicles (EVs) is becoming increasingly popular, and with this rise in popularity comes the need for accessible and convenient charging options. Fortunately, public EV charging stations are becoming more prevalent, providing drivers with an easy and reliable way to charge their vehicles on the go.

However, while public charging stations are a convenient resource, it's important to follow proper charging etiquette when using them. This includes respecting posted rules and regulations, being mindful of other EV drivers, and maximizing energy efficiency. Failing to follow proper etiquette could result in negative experiences for both you and other EV drivers, as well as contribute to inefficiencies in the charging system.

Cardino's Battery Checker

For EV drivers in Europe, Cardino offers a free and instant online battery checker tool that can be used to monitor the State of Health (SoH) of your battery and ensure you are aware of your EV condition. Indeed, with just a few clics and some basic details about your car, our tool gives you unique and accurate information on the current state of your battery!

All-in-all, with the increasing prevalence and convenience of public EV charging stations, it's more important than ever to follow proper charging etiquette. By being mindful of other drivers, maximizing energy efficiency, and utilizing tools like Cardino's battery checker, you can ensure that your experiences with your EV’s battery are positive and efficient.

Charging at Home: The Benefits and Tips for Maximizing Energy Efficiency

As an electric vehicle (EV) owner in Europe, especially in Germany, having the option to charge your vehicle at home can bring a lot of benefits. From convenience to cost savings, home charging is a smart choice for those looking to keep their vehicle charged and ready to go.

The Benefits of Charging at Home

  • Convenience: No more having to search for public charging stations or wait in line. Simply pull into your garage, plug in, and you're good to go.
  • Cost savings: On average, it is much cheaper to charge your vehicle at home compared to using public charging stations. Additionally, charging during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower can result in even bigger savings.
  • More control: Charging at home usually gives you more control over when and how your vehicle is charged, which can maximize energy efficiency and minimize waste.

Tips for Maximizing Energy Efficiency when Charging at Home

  • Charging during off-peak hours: Charging your vehicle during off-peak hours, such as overnight, can help reduce electricity costs and minimize the impact on the energy grid.
  • Using a smart charger or timer: Utilizing a smart charger or timer to optimize charging times can help ensure that your vehicle is charged efficiently and minimizes energy waste. Some popular brands include ChargePoint and Wallbox.
  • Home energy management system: By using a home energy management system, you can monitor and control your energy usage, including your vehicle's charging. This can help you make informed decisions about when and how to charge your vehicle for maximum energy efficiency.

The Potential Impact of Charging on a Shared Electrical Circuit

If you live in a multi-unit building, it is important to consider the potential impact of charging on a shared electrical circuit. Overloading the circuit could cause power outages for your neighbors and potentially damage the electrical system. That is one of the reasons why Level 3 chargers are not available for home-use. To avoid any issue, it is recommended to check with your building management or electrician before installing a home charging station.

Safety Considerations when Charging at Home

  • Proper ventilation: When charging your vehicle at home, it is important to ensure proper ventilation to avoid any potential fire hazards.
  • Avoid overloading circuits: To prevent overloading circuits, it is important to avoid charging multiple high-power devices at the same time, such as electric vehicles and electric bicycles.

In conclusion, charging at home can provide a convenient and cost-effective solution for EV owners in Europe, particularly in Germany. By maximizing energy efficiency and following safety guidelines, home charging can ensure that your vehicle is always ready to hit the road at the right time.

EV charging station with three types of ports and ultrafast charging

Charging at Public Stations: The Do's and Don'ts

It's important to be aware of the proper etiquette when using public stations. In this section, we'll discuss the different types of public charging stations, the proper use of these stations, tips for maximizing energy efficiency, and important safety considerations.

Types of Public Charging Stations

Public charging stations come in three different levels of charging power, known as Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.

  • Level 1: This type of charging station provides a slow charge, typically taking 8-24 hours to fully charge a car. Level 1 charging stations use a standard household outlet, and they're often found in public places like parks, libraries, and shopping centers.
  • Level 2: these charging stations are faster than Level 1 and can charge an EV in 4-8 hours. They're commonly found in public places like parking lots and shopping centers.
  • Level 3: Level 3 charging stations are the fastest, providing a full charge in just 30 minutes to an hour. They're not as commonly found as the other two levels, but they're growing in popularity. They are particularly prone to be found in membership-required spaces, such as the ones operated by EV manufacturers.

Proper Use of Public Charging Stations

When using public charging stations, it's important to follow the posted rules and regulations, including respecting time limits and parking in designated spots only when charging, as this blocks access for other EV owners who may need to use the station.

Maximizing Energy Efficiency

To maximize energy efficiency when charging at public stations, consider the following tips:

  • Choose a charging station with a higher power output: If your EV supports fast charging, choose a Level 3 charging station to get a full charge in a shorter amount of time. Look out on charging maps to find these. They might require to be part of a specific membership program, but they are opening up to more and more people. Be careful of not using fast chargers too often as they have a negative impact on your battery’s health.
  • Monitor charging progress: Keep an eye on your EV's charging progress and disconnect the charging cable when the battery is topped up at 80% is the best practice. Continuing to charge after that can cause damage to the battery and decrease its overall lifespan.

Impact on Other EV Users

When using public charging stations, it's important to consider the impact on other EV users. If there are a limited number of charging stations available, be mindful of how long you use the station and be respectful of others who may need to charge their vehicles as well.

Safety Considerations

Finally, it's important to follow proper charging procedures and avoid tampering with the charging equipment. This not only keeps you safe, but it also helps to maintain the functionality of the charging station for all EV owners.

Charging at Work: A Guide for EV Owners in Europe and Germany

As we move towards more sustainability-related responsibility, workplace charging is becoming an increasingly important issue for EV owners — and a nice advantage to propose by employers. In this section, we'll explore the benefits of workplace charging, tips for coordinating with coworkers, and the potential impact on workplace energy usage and costs.

The Benefits of Workplace Charging

For many EV owners, charging at work is a convenient and cost-effective option. Not only does it save time by allowing drivers to "top up" their batteries while they're at work, but it can also help reduce the cost of charging by taking advantage of lower off-peak electricity rates. In addition, workplace charging can also be a more secure and convenient option compared to public charging stations.

Tips for Coordinating with Coworkers

To ensure that everyone has access to workplace charging stations, it's important to coordinate with coworkers. Here are some tips for maximizing the benefits of workplace charging:

  1. Establish a Charging Schedule or Rotation: To avoid conflicts and ensure everyone has access to the charging stations, consider establishing a charging schedule or rotation. For example, one person may use the charging station in the morning, while another uses it in the afternoon.
  2. Communicate with Coworkers: Good communication is key when it comes to workplace charging. Be sure to let your coworkers know when you plan to charge your vehicle and how long you'll need to charge it. This can help prevent conflicts and ensure everyone has access to the charging stations. Consider creating a particular group chat/discussion for EV owners inside your organisation. That could also lead to team roadtrips or provide you with relevant EV-related help when needed!

The Potential Impact on Workplace Energy Usage and Costs

While workplace charging is a convenient and cost-effective option for EV owners, it can also have an impact on workplace energy usage and costs. For example, if a workplace has a limited supply of electrical power, adding multiple charging stations can increase energy usage and drive up costs. To minimize the impact of workplace charging on energy usage and costs, consider investing in energy-efficient charging stations and promoting energy-saving practices among coworkers.

Charging at Other Locations: A Guide to Respectful EV Charging

EV owners are always on the lookout for convenient charging options while on the go. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, it's important to be aware of the rules and regulations of charging at different locations. This includes hotels, airports, and other public charging stations. In this section, we'll provide tips and guidelines for finding and using charging stations while traveling, and highlight the potential impact of charging on other EV users.

Respecting the Rules and Regulations of Charging

When traveling and charging at hotels, airports, or other public locations, it's important to respect the rules and regulations set by the charging station provider. Some charging stations may have time limits for usage, so be sure to check posted signs or online resources in advance. Additionally, be mindful of the potential impact of your charging on other EV users, especially if you are using a charging station that has a limited number of available ports.

Tips for Finding and Using Charging Stations

Here are some tips to help you find and use charging stations while traveling:

  • Research charging options in advance: Before hitting the road, take some time to research charging options at your destination. There are many online resources, such as charging station locator apps or websites, that can help you find and plan your charging needs.
  • Use a charging station locator app or website: consult a charging station locator app or website to help you find and access charging stations while on the go. These can provide you with real-time information on the availability and status of charging stations, as well as directions to their locations. Some even include a smart EV trip-planner to be sure to never stress about your range and avoid to pay the higher price. (Bonus: we provided you with links to our selected charging maps at the end of the article!)
  • Be sure that you are authorized to use it: If the station belongs to a private business such as an hotel or an office building, ask the front desk what are the usage conditions. Most of these place are reserving these charging ports for their customers.

EV breakdown alone in the desert

Charging Emergencies: What to Do and Where to Find Help

If you own an electric vehicle, you know that having access to reliable charging stations is crucial. However, sometimes things don't go as planned, and you may face a charging emergency, such as a dead battery or a faulty charging station. In these situations, it's important to know what to do and where to find help. In this section, we'll provide you with some tips and resources to help you navigate a charging emergency.

What to Do in a Charging Emergency

If you find yourself in a charging emergency, the first thing to do is to remain calm and assess the situation. If you are stuck with a dead battery, you may be able to jump start your car or use a portable charger. If you encounter a faulty charging station, you should immediately disconnect your vehicle and contact the charging station provider or manufacturer.

It's also important to have a plan in place in case of a charging emergency. Make sure to keep the contact information of the charging station provider or manufacturer and the number for EV-specific roadside assistance programs handy. You should also have a charging station locator app or website available to help you find the nearest charging station.

Resources for Finding Help and Assistance

If you find yourself in a charging emergency, there are several resources available to help you find help and assistance. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Contacting the Charging Station Provider or Manufacturer: If you encounter a faulty charging station, the first step is to unplug your vehicle and contact the charging station provider or manufacturer. They may be able to assist you in resolving the issue or finding a nearby charging station.
  • Seeking Assistance from EV-Specific Roadside Assistance Programs and Insurances: Many automakers offer roadside assistance programs specifically for electric vehicles. Your car insurance might be able to help as well. All of these can provide you with a jump start, a portable charger, or even a tow to the nearest charging station. Remember to check the relevant documents in advance to know the process. Otherwise, you can contact your EV manufacturer or your insurance directly.
  • Using Social Media or EV Community Forums: If you're having trouble finding help, consider using social media or EV community forums to reach out to other EV owners. They may be able to provide you with recommendations or assistance in a pinch.

In conclusion, a charging emergency can be stressful, but with a plan in place and the right resources, you can navigate the situation with confidence. Remember to always remain calm and assess the situation, and to have the contact information of the charging station provider or manufacturer and EV-specific roadside assistance programs on hand. With these tools and resources at your disposal, you'll be prepared for anything that comes your way.

luxury electric car entering a private garage

Conclusion: The Benefits of Knowing Proper EV Charging Practices

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more and more popular, and with this increase in usage comes a need for proper charging etiquette. In this article, we have explored the various places where EV owners may need to charge their vehicles, including at home, at public charging stations, at work, and at other locations. We have also discussed the importance of respecting the rules and regulations of charging in different locations, as well as the resources available for finding and using charging stations safely and efficiently.

Here are the key takeaways from our article:

Why Following a Good Charging Etiquette

  • Ensuring Access to Charging for All EV Users: When everyone follows proper charging etiquette, it helps to ensure that charging stations are available and accessible to all EV users. This is particularly important in areas where charging infrastructure is limited.
  • Maximizing Energy Efficiency: Proper charging etiquette also helps to maximize energy efficiency, as it reduces the likelihood of overloading charging stations and allows for more efficient use of energy.
  • Cost Savings: By following proper charging etiquette, EV owners can also save money on their charging costs. For example, by charging during off-peak hours, they can take advantage of lower electricity rates.
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Resources Available for Finding and Using Charging Stations Safely and Efficiently

There are a number of resources available for finding and using charging stations safely and efficiently, including charging station locator apps, websites, and social media groups. EV owners can also take advantage of charging app or membership programs, which can help them to access and pay for charging at different locations and potentially earn rewards or discounts.

In conclusion, proper charging etiquette is essential for ensuring access to charging for all EV users, maximizing energy efficiency, and saving money on charging costs. By following the rules and regulations of charging in different locations and taking advantage of the resources available for finding and using charging stations safely and efficiently, EV owners can help to ensure a smooth and hassle-free charging experience.

Bonus Tips: Making the Most of Your EV Charging Experience

As an EV owner, you're likely always on the lookout for ways to make your charging experience as convenient, cost-effective, and efficient as possible. In this section, we'll share some bonus tips that can help you do just that, by leveraging charging apps and membership programs.

The Benefits of Using a Charging App or Membership Program

  • Easy access: With a charging app or membership program, you can locate and access charging stations with just a few taps on your smartphone.
  • Convenient payment: No more fumbling with coins or cash! With a charging app or membership program, you can pay for your charging sessions quickly and securely.
  • Rewards and discounts: Many charging apps and membership programs offer rewards and discounts for frequent users. You may be able to earn free charging sessions, discounts on charging costs, or other benefits.

The Potential for Earning Rewards or Discounts

  • Point systems: Some charging apps or membership programs use a point system, where you earn points for each charging that you complete. These points can then be redeemed for rewards or discounts.
  • Promotions: Some charging apps or membership programs offer special promotions for users, such as discounts on charging costs, free charging sessions, or other benefits. Keep an eye out for these offers, as they can be a great way to save on your charging costs.

Bonus 2: Best Charging Resources for Germany (and Europe)

Here are some of our top picks for charging apps and membership programs, as well as charging station locator apps and websites, and EV-specific roadside assistance programs.

Charging Apps and Membership Programs

  • ChargePoint: A popular charging app and membership program, ChargePoint offers access to over 250,000 charging ports in Europe.
  • IONITY: A charging network that operates across Europe, IONITY offers fast charging options for EV owners.
  • Plugsurfing: A popular charging app and membership program in Europe, Plugsurfing provides access to over 400,000 charging stations across Europe.

Charging Station Locator Apps and Websites

  • ChargeMap: A comprehensive charging station locator, ChargeMap offers real-time information about charging station availability, pricing, and more.
  • PlugShare: A user-friendly charging station locator, PlugShare provides information about charging stations, user reviews, and more.
  • OpenChargeMap: An open-source charging station locator, OpenChargeMap provides information about charging stations, user contributions, and more.

EV-Specific Roadside Assistance Programs

  • Tesla Roadside Assistance: A roadside assistance program specifically for Tesla owners, Tesla Roadside Assistance provides support for a range of issues, including battery-related issues.
  • ARC Europe & EVBox: The largest European roadside assistance company ARC partnered with EVBox to offer their customers quality support for a range of issues specific to EVs.
  • Allianz Roadside Assistance: A comprehensive roadside assistance program, Allianz offers support for a range of issues, including battery-related issues for EVs.

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