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Are EV batteries recycled? A Guide to Used EV Batteries Repurposing

Innovative ways to repurpose used EV batteries on Cardino's blog. Discover sustainable solutions for recycling and reusing electric vehicle batteries.

Theresa Ferner | Jun 16, 2023 | 5 min read

Table of Contents

1. What kind of battery is in an electric car?

The growing global interest towards sustainable mobility has turned our attention towards electric vehicles (EVs), which are at the forefront of this transformation. The beating heart of these vehicles lies within their batteries, and more specifically, lithium-ion batteries, which have become essential to the EV revolution.

What’s in an EV Battery

An electric vehicle (EV) battery, called a lithium-ion battery, has several parts: the cathode, the anode, the electrolyte, and the separator. The cathode, or the positive part, is usually made of lithium metal oxide. The anode, or the negative part, is often made from graphite. Between these two parts, there's an electrolyte, which is a special liquid that allows lithium particles to move. Also, there's a separator between the cathode and anode which prevents them from touching and causing a short circuit but still allows the lithium particles to move.

All these parts work together to store and release energy, helping the EV move. When the battery is charging, the lithium particles move from the cathode to the anode through the electrolyte. But when the vehicle is being driven, these particles go back to the cathode, generating the electricity that powers the vehicle.

The life expectancy of EV Batteries

We usually expect EV batteries to last about 10 to 20 years (with enough power to move the vehicle). But over time, these batteries slowly lose power, reaching what we call 'end-of-life' when they only have about 70-80% of their original power left.

But, just because a battery reaches this point, it doesn't mean it's completely useless. It can still be used for storing energy, even though it doesn't hold as much power as it used to. This extra use can make the battery last much longer before it needs to be recycled, which is a big part of what we call a “closed-loop” or “circular” economy.

People are starting to pay more attention to the idea of reusing old EV batteries. This could offer many possibilities and help with environmental and financial issues. By looking more closely at the problems and chances we have with used EV batteries, we might find new ways to make the EV industry more sustainable and innovative.

2. Used EV Batteries

Dealing with used EV batteries is a big issue. It involves both environmental concerns and money matters. How we get rid of them and how we can reuse them are really important for making transportation more environmentally friendly.

Electric Car Battery Disposal

Even though EV batteries are good for the environment when used in cars, they can be dangerous if we don't get rid of them the right way. If they're damaged or not handled correctly, they can cause fires, safety problems, and leak harmful waste. This waste can then get into the soil and water and harm the environment.

The Financials of Producing EV Batteries

The Electric Vehicle (EV) battery market is seeing a significant amount of investment, as companies across the world dedicate a huge amount of funds to construct new battery manufacturing plants. The process of producing batteries requires a considerable amount of energy and certain key materials. Elements like lithium, nickel, and cobalt are crucial for making batteries, but these resources are not infinite. This means their extraction and use are rising as key strategic economic considerations for corporations as well as countries. Indeed, with the growing demand for EVs, ensuring a steady supply of these materials is becoming more and more difficult and positioning for it will certainly provide a long-lasting competitive advantage.

Wasting Rare Materials in EV Batteries

The process of making new batteries, along with insufficient recycling of old ones, results in the wastage of important materials. Used EV batteries are rich in precious materials like lithium, nickel, and cobalt. If we dispose of these batteries without proper recycling methods, we end up doing more mining for new materials. This not only has a negative impact on the environment but also misses out on the economic opportunities offered by these valuable materials.

Therefore, it's crucial to develop environmentally friendly solutions to these problems. These solutions should allow us to reuse used EV batteries, reduce environmental damage, and get the most value from these materials. By doing this, we can discover numerous new applications for these recycled batteries, which could significantly change how we store and manage energy.

alternative energy source

3. The Current State of Used EV Batteries Recycling

Thinking about new uses for old EV batteries is a bright idea that brings together creativity and sustainability. These batteries aren't just junk after they're used in a car, they can actually serve various functions in energy storage and management.

Using EV Batteries to Store Renewable Energy

The growing renewable energy industry provides a hopeful use for recycled EV batteries. Because solar and wind power aren't always constant, we need effective ways to store energy. Experts think that by 2050, we might have enough reused EV batteries to keep a solar- and wind-powered electric grid steady, which would be a big win for renewable energy.

Energy Backup Systems Powered by EV Batteries

Old EV batteries can provide stable energy storage for places without a power grid and emergency backup systems. This is especially helpful for far-off places without reliable power or areas that frequently experience natural disasters. Depending on how much energy is used, a recycled EV battery can power a house for up to 12 hours, which can be essential during emergencies.

Using Electric Car Batteries to Power Smaller Devices

Smaller electronic gadgets can also use old EV batteries. Items such as electric bikes, power washing machines, and other electric vehicles can use this recycled energy source. As an environmentally friendly option, reused EV batteries can power these devices, reducing the need for new batteries.

EV Batteries as Home Energy Storage Solutions

When used together with solar panels, old EV batteries can effectively help manage home energy costs and ensure power supply during outages. These systems can provide needed power during disruptions in the power grid, and they also let homeowners store solar power for use during times when energy demand is high, which could lower their energy bills.

Not only for homes, but recycled EV batteries can also help power important equipment in medical, refrigeration, air conditioning, and lighting setups. In short, recycled EV batteries open up a whole world of possible uses, changing how we think about and use energy.

4. How are EV Battery Reused and Recycled?

Turning used EV batteries into useful tools for other uses is a detailed process that includes careful checks, needed repairs, and strategic changes.

The repurposing starts with a careful evaluation and review of the used EV batteries. Special repair centres look closely at the batteries to determine their current condition and how much capacity they have left. Key aspects like voltage, resistance, and temperature are checked to make sure the battery can perform well enough for its new use.

Repairing The EV Battery

If the battery checks show any performance problems, the repair centers make the necessary fixes to extend the battery's life. This might mean replacing certain faulty cells or modules, which lets us avoid throwing away the entire battery pack.

Changing an Electric Car Battery for Second-Life Applications

Even if a battery can't be fixed for use in a vehicle, it doesn't mean it's the end of the line for the battery. Instead, these batteries can be changed for other uses. The repair center typically takes apart the battery pack and removes the modules that can still be used, which are then put back together and adjusted to fit their new purpose.

Safety Steps When Working with Li-ion Batteries

Because lithium-ion batteries can be risky, safety is always the most important thing during the repurposing process. Safety steps include separating and protecting the removed battery modules, strictly following handling rules, and making sure the storage conditions are right. By carefully following these steps, we can make the most of old EV batteries and help move towards a more sustainable future.

Financial and Economic Effects of Reusing EV Batteries

Reusing old EV batteries is more than just a good way to deal with electronic waste. It changes how we see and use resources, bringing us closer to a sustainable, recycling-based economy. The key effects are:

  • Environmental impact

Reusing batteries lessens the environmental damage caused by getting rid of them, mainly by stopping harmful waste from leaking into natural areas. Plus, we need less of limited resources like lithium, cobalt, and nickel as we start to use the materials in old batteries more effectively.

  • Financial implications and market potentials

Battery repurposing not only helps save money through more efficient use of resources, but it also creates new market possibilities with other uses for the batteries. As a growing part of the economy, the industry that reuses batteries is set to create jobs and encourage investment.

5. Innovations and Future Prospects in EV Battery Repurposing

The field of battery repurposing is full of new ideas, guided by leading organizations and the latest technology. This lively scene has great potential for a sustainable and reliable energy future.

New Technologies in EV Batteries

Many businesses are finding their place in the battery repurposing industry, thanks to strong investment in building new facilities focused on this goal. Helping these efforts are new technologies that greatly improve the process of reusing batteries. For example, companies like Bosch Rexroth offer complete solutions to make batteries last longer. At the same time, places for innovation like the Advanced Battery Technology Center (ABTC) are pushing technology to its limits, creating new materials and groundbreaking technologies for high-performance and sustainable battery cells.

Future Trends in Reusing EV Batteries

The industry of reusing batteries is ready to grow fast, and it could really shake up traditional ways we store energy and make a big contribution to a cycle where we reuse more of our resources. Its effect is expected to be big, covering areas from renewable energy and electric transport, to managing energy at home and emergency power systems. Companies like Deutsche Industrie-und Handelskammer, Zippel and many others are already doing great work in reusing batteries. Doesn't all this information show us that the best, most environmentally friendly future is yet to come?


Q1: How EV batteries can be reused?

A: Used EV batteries can be given a second life in many ways, such as storing energy for renewable power sources, providing power for places that are off the grid or need emergency backup, powering smaller electronic gadgets, and storing energy for homes when used with solar panels.

Q2: What good does reusing EV batteries do for the environment?

A: Reusing EV batteries helps the environment by preventing harmful waste from being thrown away, reducing the need to mine limited resources, and cutting down on the greenhouse gases that are produced when making new batteries.

Q3: How do technologies help in battery repurposing?

A: There are lots of new technologies that make it easier to reuse batteries, such as new materials for batteries that work better and are more sustainable, solutions to make batteries last longer, and groundbreaking technologies that make the process of reusing batteries better.

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